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Upcoming Events.

Our Ministries at Lee's Chapel

Steward Board Ministry - Sister Doris Gordon Pro-Temp
Serve as advisors to the pastor. A Steward assists the pastor in all administrative capacities, helping to implement courses of action to facilitate decision-making. 
Trustee Board Ministry - Brother Garland Stukes Sr. Pro-Temp
Trustees in the African Methodist Episcopal Church have the responsibility of all church property. This includes management, maintenance, development, and use of property under the direction of the church's Official Board for the support of the programs approved by the congregation. 
Stewardess Board Ministry - Sister Iva Faye Cuffe
The main function of the stewardesses are to assit the stewards in the discharge of their duties relative to the ritual of baptism, and the Lord's Supper;  prepare the elements for communion, baptism and to dress the pulpit and altar with suitable, clean  colored coverings for the various seasons of the Christian year, funeral and for memorials
Pastor's Aid Ministry - Brendetta Molson
To provide support to the Pastor and the first family through special programs.
Usher Board Ministry - Sister Elaine Baynard
To serve as a doorkeepers in the house of worship, assisting the parishioners as they enter in and out of the sanctuary for all services.
Christian Education Department - Vacant
To develop a comprehensive and unified program of Christian Education which leads to a knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the values set forth in the Holy Scriptures, and the Christian religion. New Members and Discipleship training, vacation bible school, and Sunday School are elements of the ministry.
Class Leaders Ministry 
Class Leaders in the African Methodist Episcopal Church are sub-Pastors, and as such are appointed by the minister in charge. Each class has a leader whose business it it to look after his/her members and report to the Official Boardof the Church concerning the status and also the needs of each member both spiritually and otherwise.
Lay Organization Ministry - Tom Black
To stimulate and educate the laity in the total program of the church by creating opportunities to learn our history, study the Discipline, teach and practice stewardship, and encourage financial support of the Church's program.
Music Ministry - Reverend John Reid
Transportation Ministry
To enable members and friends of the church who are without means of transportation, the ability to ride the church van to worship service.
Women's Missionary Society - Bettye Moore
To help people grow in the knowledge and experience of God  through continual training as well as individual and collective mission work and advocate for human rights
Young Adult Ministry - Courtney Stukes
Young People's Division
Food Pantry 
To provide foods for persons and families in need of assistance.
Culinary Arts Ministry
To provide food/meals in times of sorrow, celebration and need. The ministry strives to promote spirtual fellowship by helping to sere in the Lord's bounty.
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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